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FEFSI crisis to seek government's intervention

Apr 11, 2013

Earlier FEFSI had been provided with a land in Paiyanur to initiate a co-operative society. The former leader for this committee was V.C. Guhanathan and thereafter elections to replace the leader were announced.

But members of FEFSI haven’t been kept in the know-how of the developments, particularly of the fact that elections have indeed been held, which has raised suspicions amongst the members. The official press statement from FEFSI says that only members of the committee can preside over the elections as officers. The statement goes on to claim that V.C. Guhanathan has bypassed the rules and misused the officers’ responsibilities to conduct the election in a hush-hush manner and has promoted individuals of his favour.

The press release also claims that Guhanathan had reinstituted a committee that had been dissolved, again bypassing the codes of the organization. This development too has been supposedly kept out of sight of the members of FEFSI.

FEFSI plans to approach the Chief Minister of the State and other related ministers to intervene in the matter and resolve the ensuing crisis.



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