Vana Yuddham is an upcoming Tamil movie which deals with the life of the notorious forest brigand Veerappan. The Kannada version of the movie is titled Attahasa. This movie is directed by AMR Ramesh who was acclaimed for his work in the award winning movie Cyanide which was also dubbed in Tamil as Kuppi. Kishore, Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Vijayalakshmi among others are part of the cast.
Following a court order, Vana Yuddham was screened to Muthulakshmi, wife of Veerappan, following the objections that she raised that this film might depict her husband in bad light. Following the screening, Muthulakshmi recommended to the makers to cut down on some objectionable scenes. Her advocates will place this contention before a judge to take the matter forward.