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Sripriya's comments against Gayathri Raguramm in Bigg Boss

Veteran actress Sripriya is one of the actresses, who has been actively voicing out her opinions on the latest episodes of Bigg Boss.

After the end of yesterday's episode, she posted about Gayathri Raguramm's bossy attitude. She tweeted, "my opinion every housemate is scared that Gayathri will gang up against them and give them a hard time,so the jalra sound has become louder! No choreographer decides the career of an actor that's no reason BB members want to b in G3 's good books,it's her rude&ganging up attitude."

*tweets are not spell-checked

Sripriya's comments against Gayathri Raguramm in Bigg Boss

People looking for online information on Bigg boss, Gayathri Raghuram, Sripriya will find this news story useful.