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''Santhanam is responsible for everything''

Aug 22, 2013

Inga Enna Solludhu (IES) is produced by VTV Ganesh who is known for his unique voice and comic sense. He also dons the role of the hero in the film with Meera Jasmine and Santhanam for company. When questioned about his role as producer and hero for the film, Ganesh attributes it totally to Santhanam.

He quips that Santhanam wanted him to produce Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaya but Ganesh did not do it due to his apprehensions about the hero and director being new. However Santhanam took total interest in KLTA and the results are there for everyone to see. Hence this motivated Ganesh to venture into IES as a producer and also a hero. He states, “Santhanam is responsible for my turning into a hero” and jokingly adds that bouquets or brickbats should only be hurled at Santhanam for his new role.



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