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Anu Hasan discusses about Valladesam

Anu Hasan made her screen debut in Suhasini Mani Ratnam's directorial Indira and since then, has been a part of many meaningful films. She is also a popular Television personality. After her marriage to Graham, the charming lady shifted base to London. She will now be seen in Valladesam directed by N T Nantha. In a brief chat with me, she tells why she accepted to do Valladesam, about her role and life in London.


Looks like you are a part of a Tamil film after a while


Actually, I recently completed another Tamil movie called Aakki where I play the role of a hockey coach for a team of boys. That's awaiting release.


What is Valladesam all about?


Valladesam is about deceit, familial bonds and patriotism. It is a movie that shows the gray that colors even our values and the decisions we therefore make.


What is your role like?


I play the protagonist - she moves to the UK with her family only to realize that she has lost them in a war with the underworld. The story follows her through her every phase of determination and desperation and her conflict as she has to make hard choices.


What made you accept the film?


It was a role that was primarily being filmed in the UK and as I happened to be based out of the UK, it made sense logistically. But more importantly it was by far the most fun role I've done in a movie. It breaks me out of the timid traditional roles that I have played till now in films. (Of course, I did play Rekha IPS on television and that will always be my favorite role). It is real - I don't pretend to be anything other than as real as possible - so minimal make-up. Costumes are the kind of clothes any regular woman would wear in the UK - so when you look at it from an Indian context it seems very Western. I loved that. But most importantly the producers and the director were really lovely people so it was even easier to say YES. 


Director/Cinematographer Nantha and the crew


Nantha is the director and also is the camera man. He is a whiz at the camera - he has that ability to get beautiful shots from the most ordinary visuals. He is very fluid when it comes to working.


Working in the UK with UK technicians was a great experience. They were absolute professionals, be it stunts, make up or other departments. But it was also very basic. We didn't have fancy caravans to retire to or innumerable assistants running after us. We were comfortable yes - but not spoilt.




The producers were very friendly and considerate. In fact Mr. Immanuvel, one of the producers would make sure that every time he came to the set he brought me the special chilli tuna sandwich that his wife made. I loved it.  (Of course - I'm easy to please that way....give me food and I'm happy)


How is London and few words about the life there?


I love living in London. Apart from working for a tech company, I also work on one of the longest running television series on the BBC. It's called Eastenders. This is a series that has been going for over 30 years. I play the role of Fatima Inzamam.  


I simply have to appreciate how organized the unit at BBC is, considering they have about 100 people working on set every day. And they have multiple units working on any given day. The work culture is also very different - everyone is punctual. No one is late. No one throws attitude and everyone is treated very well. 


Are you open to projects here?


I have always been open to projects here. Madras is where I've worked most of my adult life after all. And I'm concerned working too much in English might make me more "peter" than I already am considered to be ... Little do people know that I'll always be a Trichy girl at heart ... to paraphrase a saying - you can take the woman out of Tamil Nadu but you can't take Tamil Nadu out of the woman.


Wishing Anu Hasan and Team Valladesam the best! 


Jyothsna Bhavanishankar