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Actor Suriya asks his fans to stop fighting with other fans.

Hatred and 'fan wars' are very common in the current industry trend. A fan of one star fighting with a guy who worships another star is an ongoing problem which the industry has been facing for many decades. But the current social networking platforms have nurtured and promoted these hatred waves and 'fan wars' like never before.

Superstars of Kollywood do take steps to keep such fan fights in control, but not even the words of their idols could stop the fans from disrespecting other stars and cussing one another.

This being the case, actor Suriya took to Twitter with the hope of bringing a closure to these worthless fights, “Just don't want fans n well wishers to fight with other fans..! Spend more time on yourself,family n make them proud! 🙏 hv a great day!!”.

Hope fans of all stars take Suriya's words seriously and stop wasting time, making a mockery of themselves.


Actor Suriya asks his fans to stop fighting with other fans.

People looking for online information on Ajith, Ilayathalapathy, Masss, Masssu, Suriya, Thala, Vijay will find this news story useful.