Don’t provide free publicity for TASMAC- S Ve Shekhar
Apr 18, 2013
The music of the upcoming film, Madisaar Maami was released by Muktha Srinivasan and SVe Shekhar. The film directed by Mumbai based Ranjith Bose, is supposedly about a priest’s mission to become super rich. The director has no Tamil knowledge, so Ravi Prakash takes credits for the story and dialogues.
The film was earlier titled Madhana Mama and Madisaar Maami. But the censor board weren’t too sure of the title and reportedly requested the team to remove ‘Madhana Mama’ from the title.
While addressing the gathering, Muktha Srinivasan noted the heroine of the film, Manasi, who was also present there, was looking absolutely stunning in her saree. But the lady wasn’t wearing a bindhi. So the senior producer pointed out to Manasi, the importance of wearing a bindhi in the Tamil customs.
S Ve Shekhar’s point was about a different issue, but a very important one. One of the songs that were screened supposedly takes place in a TASMAC shop. The actor wasn’t very pleased with that and in general the growing importance to the portrayal of alcohol consumption in Tamil films. He politely advised the film makers to stop providing free publicity for TASMAC.