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Movies which are taking Tamil cinema to greater heights
Imsai Arasan 23rd Pulikesi
Imsai Arasan 23rd Pulikesi
The second S Pictures movie in the list. Pulikesi also tries to experiment on a genre which is hardly explored in Tamil cinema - historic epic comedy. Vadivel who usually appears as a comedian becomes the protagonist. The movie which keeps you in splits through out, is about a Rajaguru(Nasser) who tries to take over the throne by using Pulikesi as a puppet for all his evil plans. The rest is how his plans are thwarted by Pulikesi’s intelligent twin (also played by Vadivel). Though the movie became a blockbuster, some people weren’t impressed with certain scenes that were intended as slap stick comedies. Vadivel excelled as Pulikesi, but couldn’t do enough justice as Uthama Puthiran (Pulikesi’s twin brother). The dialogues in pure Tamil were a refreshing change from what we usually hear in Tamil movies in the name of slang. The movie opened up a vast galore of possibilities for Tamil cinema that had remained unexplored all these years. Overall it was a pleasant and enjoyable roller coaster ride.
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