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Ilayaraja's advice to jallikattu protesters

Maestro Ilayaraja’s words of appreciation to the Jallikattu protesters.

“Students and youngsters!

You have shown a path to the entire world through your peaceful protest.  Without a leader, without any political party’s support, without assistance from any outfits and also without seeking any outfit’s aid, you have done it. This shows your confidence. You have become a role model to the world.

Feelings of determination and resolute which were latent in you, have emerged now. This should continue. Few politicians and outfits tried to interfere in your movement but their ploys did not succeed.

There are no ways and means for intermediate brokers to take credit for your success. There are people, with an objective of diluting your movement who might say that the law will be enforced tomorrow and such vacuous statements. Please don’t listen to them. Please stay united with the same vigor and feelings till you achieve what you set out to achieve. I am very happy to realize that you are all united in feelings and emotions. You are sure to emerge triumphantly.


I don’t have to tell you all these as you are well aware of what is going on around you. I am very happy that you have accomplished a huge feat.”

Ilayaraja's advice to jallikattu protesters

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