After making a foray into the world of TV with his latest game show Kollywood King, Venkat Prabhu will be returning as an actor in an upcoming film directed by Meera Kathiravan, who last made the critically acclaimed Aval Peyar Tamilarasi. This film is supposedly an urban, city-based action thriller and is titled ‘Vizhiththiru’ and carries the tag-line ‘Stay Awake’
Venkat Prabhu will share screen space with an elaborate cast that includes Kazhugu Krishna, Thambi Ramaiah, Mynaa Vidarth, Dhansika, Chiranjeevi’s brother Naga Babu and new faces Rahul Bhaskaran and Erika Fernandes. The cast also features Deiva Thirumagal girl Baby Sarah.
The film’s first look photo shoot took place recently and an official launch is expected very soon.