The one social issue that has been talked the most about recently is the Pollachi Sexual Assault. Members of a gang of friends in Pollachi have befriended a girl on facebook, lured her to loneliness in the name of love, raped her and blackmailed her with the videotape of the same. They have now been arrested under the Goondas act.

Since then, there has a long list of people and celebrities who came out to voice their opinion against this. Behindwoods talked to Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in an interview where we she talked about the Pollachi case and the problems in our society that root to such crimes.
She said,”If someone rapes you or molests you, you have to come out and talk about it in public. It is not a sensitive issue, when someone does something to your body, it means they have violated you, your body and your rights. Come out and complain about it in public only then the offenders will get scared and won’t repeat it.”
When she was asked why hasn’t some top actors not spoken about it much, she said,”Yes, some haven’t. Even when #metoo movement was happening and me and Chinmayee spoke for it we got support but many top actors didn’t talk about it and they still haven’t. But they must. As it goes like ‘With great power comes great responsibility’, top actors should understand that their voice has a great influence among people. They should understand this and talk about important issues.”
She also added,”I hope, wish and pray that all the actors in a good position, they can definitely make a change. Because if they don’t talk about it when its happening elsewhere in the society, it will someday happen in their house and they will feel bad then.” Watch the full interview of Varalaxmi Sarathkumar here: