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Tamil film Metro directed by Ananda Krishnan will be remade in Hindi, Telugu and Kannada

Metro directed by Ananda Krishnan was spoken about for its raw nature and bold narrative. The film dealing with chain snatching had found good patrons and reviews.

Now the film will be remade in other languages too. Sharing the information, Ananda Krishnan says, “Yes, Metro will be going to other languages as well. I  am going to direct the Hindi version and few makers have shown interest to buy the rights to remake the film in Telugu and Kannada”

We also hear that Murali Gurappa of Kannada Circle Production House will be directing and producing Metro in Kannada. We will update you.

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Tamil film Metro directed by Ananda Krishnan will be remade in Hindi, Telugu and Kannada

People looking for online information on Ananda Krishnan, Metro will find this news story useful.