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Ghibran thanks his friends and well wishers for the success of his audio drive

Music director Ghibran recently completed a first of its kind effort to go on a road trip to release 6 songs from his album Chennai2Singapore in 6 countries. We appreciate Ghibran’s new attempt to promote a film’s album.

Ghibran has now made an official statement to thank all the people who assisted his team in making the trip a successful one.

“Dear Friends & Well-wishers, It gives me immense pleasure in sharing this note after successfully completing the adventurous audio drive for #Chennai2Singapore. Feeling proud as a team and an Indian belonging to Tamil film industry to make an attempt that will be something to cherish my whole life.

The success of the drive is attributed to ALL of you who stood by me at all good and turmoil times with love and care, Chennai2Singapore Team and my family.

I should personally thank few people who worked day and night to sow the seeds of our hard work. I also would like to thank my Travel mates (2+1) Abbas Akbar, (Bang Bang) Shiv Keshav,(Muttai) Karthik Nallamuthu and Aravindh. This is the Best/Fun team I could ever imagine for.

You made me complete the Audio Drive with ease.

Thank you all once again for making our dream come true.”

Tags : Ghibran, C2S
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Ghibran thanks his friends and well wishers for the success of his audio drive

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