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Music director Ghibran succeeds in his new attempt

Music director Ghibran took an interesting route to unveil the songs of his recent album Chennai 2 Singapore. He had gone on a road trip to six different countries to release the six tracks of the film.

India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore were the selected six countries. We were told that the team had to undergo a lot of obstacles like the earthquake and other problems. To what was planned as a 20 days trip was extended close to 30 days due to various delays caused by external factors that were beyond the team’s control.

Finally, Ghibran and his team have successfully unveiled all the songs from the album. This is the first time, an album has been released in 6 different countries. The team calls this to be a proud moment for Indian Cinema.

Think Music has purchased the audio rights of Chennai 2 Singapore. Congrats to Ghibran and his team for succeeding in their new attempt.

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Music director Ghibran succeeds in his new attempt

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