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Maryan's 'Nenje Ezhu' single review !

May 06, 2013

While A.R. Rahman was known to be the bringer of new sounds to Indian film music, there have been instances in the recent past where he has incorporated a sound that’s very global and equally accessible to everyone around the world, barring the regional lyrics. Maryan's ‘Nenje Ezhu’ is one such song that aims to take its meaning and message beyond geographical and cultural barriers.

Rahman’s use of definite instruments such as the acoustic drums and grand string section immediately makes the song universal in nature. As the track’s title suggests, it is a song that strives to spring hope and rise above the deepest depths of despair. Apart from the song’s inspiring words, the mighty backing chorus lend their support almost as a pillar of strength for those seeking solace in the tune.

A.R. Rahman is clearly at his best when he’s layering crafty progressions but it is equally heartening to find him keeping things simple and purposeful in a track like ‘Nenje Ezhu’. The song, just like its composer, is unbound and designed for global consumption.



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