Home > News Shots > IndiaBy S Vikram | Aug 01, 2019 06:32 PM
The year 2019 has been a mix of varied climatic changes around India. Earlier we saw contrasting climatic conditions within South India itself where Kerala had heavy rainfall but Tamilnadu scorched in extreme heat. While the heat waves are gradually reducing across the nation, the recent rainfall prediction by Indian Metrological Department (IMD) measures to 99% of the Long Period Average (LPA)

On August 1 (Thursday), the Indian Metrological Department has revealed the prediction that the month of August is likely to register 99% of rainfall across the country as per the report by ANI. The reports further state that there could be variations of 9% in the forecast. “Qualitatively the rain fall over the countary as a whole during the second half of the season is likely to be 100 per cent of the LPA with a model error of 8%” the IMD report was quoted by ANI.
Also, the second half of the South West Monsoon (August to September) is likely to be normal accounting to 94-106 per cent of LPA with a probability of 45 per cent. The reports are based on the probabilistic forecast that suggests the rainfall over the country as a whole.