N: Oh all my best friends are back in Surat. Whenever I need to talk, I call them. They just know from my tone what my mood is.

BW: Suddenly, you’re career has revived. You’re doing heroine roles. How do you feel?
N: Elated. Excited. I owe it all to my fans who’ve been with me through thick and thin. Not many people know this but my fans recently performed a paal abishekam for me to celebrate my presence in Billa. I couldn’t believe it. They called me and said, “Ma’am we want to do this.” And I said: “Why not! And it was so fantastic. One of my most memorable days.

BW: We’re sure it was also your hard work, determination and intelligence. So, what next?
N: Oh, I’d love to do strong character roles. My fans say I have it in me and I’m thrilled they feel I can do greater things. Indira Vizha is my next movie. I’m the heroine there. In Perumal, I’ll be playing a rowdy girl in a half saree and glasses! I’m looking forward to what lies ahead for me.

BW: Nothing but great stuff, we’re sure. Anything you’d like to say in particular?
N: Well, I’m socially very conscious. I’m really troubled about how little civic sense many people living in Indian cities have – just spitting on the road. There’s that saying: “In America you can’t spit in public but you can kiss, in India you can’t kiss in public but you can spit! I’d like all of us to be more civic minded. Be sensitive to the environment. And just one social message to everyone out there: don’t drink and drive, please - there are people waiting for you at home.

BW: Any special message for your fans all around the world?