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Cast: Bharath, Kajal Agarwal, Kushboo
Direction: Perarasu
Music: Srikanth Deva
Production: Sakthi Chidambaram
Perarasu’s clichéd action-packed bonanza has had only a few takers, leaving enough lessons for the director to look back at his (jaded) style of storytelling, with its dubious patriarchal values.

Trade Talk:
Pazhani has had only 50% of theatre occupancy during the previous week and can be safely termed an average grosser.

Public Talk:
They seem to prefer Bharat without a brand image.

No. Weeks Completed: 3
No. Shows in Chennai over this weekend: 54
Average Theatre Occupancy over this weekend: 50 %
Collection over this weekend in Chennai: Rs.4,76,884
Total collections in Chennai by end of the fourth weekend: Rs.55 lakhs

Verdict: Average
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