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Controversy and Non Controversy
Kollywood’s most controversial and non controversial people
They make or act in films, but they make more news than any of their films. They are the media’s best friends; they always provide the tabloids with something interesting and are the fuel that keeps the rumor mills running overtime. Sometimes one feels that they are just helpless sufferers at the hands of fate (paparazzi) but then at other times they appear to be one of those compulsive trouble mongers who love to be under the spotlight for any reason. Had it not been for such characters, Page 3 would have been very boring, even non-existent. They are to filmdom what John McEnroe was once to men’s tennis. Either they love controversy or controversy loves them; take it the way you prefer but in the end it all means the same. A look at a few top newsmakers (for all the wrong reasons).

And don’t forget our exclusive list of non controversial, Mr.Cleans at the end.
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