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She seems to be making more news now than when she was Kollywood’s queen. All controversies that she is associated with might be attributed to the statements that she makes. One does not know whether she cares to give any thought to what she says or just forgets that cameras and microphones follow her almost everywhere. She first got into trouble after making some unacceptable comment on pre-marital sex; it sparked off statewide protests. Then there was some magazine that chose to write a feature about the devious ways which Khushboo took to enter filmdom (the magazine has been appropriately sued), none of which is known to be true. Now there is the Periyar issue. Even this is a cascade effect of the statement that she made. Some people do not like the idea of her acting in a biopic of a legendary personality. One can say that she has got into trouble out of sheer gullible acts.
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