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Will Vikram remake Don’t Breathe?

Don’t Breathe is a recent blockbuster Hollywood film which was said to have shot under a budget of 10 million USD but it allegedly fetched the investors a revenue of 120 million USD. Don’t Breathe continues to run in many screens across the world even now.

The film got some great reviews from Indian audiences too. Now we hear that a popular producer is planning to remake this Hollywood psychopath thriller in Tamil. And we are informed that a production banner is ready to fund the venture if Vikram gives his call sheet.

Wow! Wouldn’t it be great if Vikram plays Stephen Lang character? We have not seen Chiyaan play a total negative role in Tamil before. This would be first of its kind if he signs on the dotted lines.

The makers are apparently in plans to purchase the remake rights of Don’t Breathe. Now that our regional audiences are so much aware of international cinema, the makers prefer to buy the rights before shooting the film.

More details to follow soon!

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Will Vikram remake Don’t Breathe?

People looking for online information on Chiyaan, Dont Breathe, Vikram will find this news story useful.