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''உன்னோடு எனக்கு 'WAR' தான்''

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Vivek tweets about Vardah Cyclone

The Vardha cyclone has ravaged the lives of many people in and around Chennai. There is hardly anyone who has not been affected by it directly or indirectly. The power connection has been restored in most parts inside the city limits of Chennai. The Internet and cell phone network services continue to remain volatile. But the major blow to the city has to be the trees that have been uprooted. Thousands of trees that provided shade and shelter to us are now gone.

Actor Vivek as we all know is a nature lover, who has taken steps to plant trees in the past. On seeing Chennai’s current situation, Vivek took to his Twitter handle to share his thoughts. “பெரும் ஆல மரங்களையே பிடிங்கி எறிந்திருக்கும் வார்தா! உன்னோடு எனக்கு "war"தான். Will talk to govt abt how to restore the greenery again”.

Tags : Vivek, Vardah
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Vivek tweets about Vardah Cyclone

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