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Vetri Maaran on the I and B Ministry's aid for Visaaranai's Oscar participation

Visaaranai is the only official Indian entry in the Best Foreign Film category at the Oscars this year. Earlier on, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry had announced that it will fund Indian films that get selected for International Film Festivals under the competitive category. The amount allotted varies for different festivals (one crore for Oscars, 15 lakhs for Sundance etc).


We talked to director of Visaaranai, Vetri Maaran for his take on this and he said, “We are making our campaign a very big one competing with the top studios here on our own but it's a great encouragement to realize that our government is supporting our efforts and is ready to promote original voices from Indian cinema, irrespective of the political and social stand the filmmaker takes through his film.


The best part of this funding is, it goes to independent films representing the country in all major film festivals of the world. This is going to bring in a great shift in the independent film production in the coming years.

Visaaranai being in a position to avail this opportunity for the first time makes it special. We are fulfilling the requirements to apply for the funds right now”.


That’s wonderful Vetri Maaran and we wish you the best!

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Vetri Maaran on the I and B Ministry's aid for Visaaranai's Oscar participation

People looking for online information on Information and broadcasting ministry, Vetri Maaran, Visaaranai will find this news story useful.