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The Pray for Nesamani hashtag has been going viral in the social media circles recently. It was the number 1 trending tag on Twitter from 29th and also on the day of Narendra Modi's second oath taking ceremony as the Prime Minister.

The pray for Nesamani viral trend reaches new heights by turning into a film title.

Even though the tag and the trend was started initially as a sarcastic joke, the extreme popularity gained by the gag had resulted into companies using it in their marketing strategy. Even celebrities including Sibi Sathyaraj, Siddharth, Kasthuri, comedian Sathish and more have tweeted using this tag.

The latest development on to this trend is that a title 'Contacter Nesamani' has been registered with the Tamilnadu Film Producer's council. Further updates on the film could be revealed soon. It is surprising how quickly this joke has turned in a sensation and now has a fan base for it.

The #Pray_for_Nesamani trend is seen a sign of protest by some people, shown by Tamil Nadu in the digital platform to show their disagreement with the elected government. There is no definite answer whether this was totally co-incidental or if people actually used this as a sign of protest.