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Chalapathi Rao's clarification regarding the sexist comment he made

The top talk of Tollywood is easily the sexist comment made by experienced actor Chalapathi Rao. “I don’t know if girls are injurious to health or not. But, they are good for bed (sex)”. That was Chalapathi’s statement during a promotional film event. Many popular stars have condemned this statement which has created some buzz among general public too.

Chalapathi has now issued a statement accusing the media of blowing his comment out of context.  “I came to the program a bit late. Just as I sat down the anchor asked me the question, I answered without applying my mind to it. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. If I had hurt your feelings, I am sorry. But, I was angry when they asked me if ‘girls are harmful’? Do we sleep with snakes? No. That’s why I said woman are harmless and that’s why we sleep with them. I don’t even understand what’s wrong in that. Some channel, that does not know Telugu, reported it and others are spreading it like cancer. I will never insult a woman. I will always treat women with respect like mothers and sisters.”