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Suriya to be the chief guest for Iruvar Ondranal Audio Launch

Suriya's friendly guest appearance

Sep 10, 2013

The upcoming film Iruvar Ondranal was shot almost entirely in the Hindustan University campus in Padur (outskirts of Chennai) so the makers of the film felt it would only be just to hold the film’s audio launch in the college premises. The audio launch will be made even more special with the presence of actor Suriya who will be gracing the occasion as its chief guest. The grand event is to be held tomorrow, September 11th, evening.

Written and directed by Anbu.G, the college romance Iruvar Ondranal stars Prabhu PR and Krithika Malini in the lead. Guru Krishnan is the film’s composer while Kumar Sridhar and Paramesh Krishna handle the Cinematography and Editing respectively. The project is produced by Ramana Arts A. Sampath Kumar.



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