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Independent Music Festival is back this year

Independent Music Festival - Celebrating music beyond barriers

Sep 15, 2013

Independent Music Festival is a festival that aims at celebrating music beyond all barriers. It's the biggest talent hunt for the best bands, artists and composers from various places. It's an ideal platform dedicated to independent artists around the globe. The festival aims at encouraging passionate talents around the world who bring glory to the world of music.

Independent Music Festival is an initiative by Yelo Icy Concepts and Noise and Grains, which will be held on the 6th and 7th of November at the Chennai Trade Center. The award show will host the performance of the qualified winners from the various levels of competitions.

This is the beginning of a new era, which will continue to serve music and its glory, year after year ideally dedicated to all music lovers.

Behindwoods would be the online partner for this event and you may register for this festival by visiting



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