Murali Selvan from WTH Productionz team is proud to present a brand new web series - called "TALK Mii Show". WTH Productionz team - is the team who gave short films like "New Rommate 2303", "White Bird" & "Kill The Thought - Suicide".
The web series is an online talk show that will showcase a variety with creative skits, will promote various upcoming artists and provide a place for all creative people to contribute.
WTH - "what the heck" Productionz is proudly presenting this show on their new website to showcase the first episode. Please check them out here : and join their FB, Twitter and Youtube channel.
Please leave your comments on the first episode and send your feedback/suggestions. Also reach out to them, if you have ideas and want to collaborate, be it short films, skits, stories and more!
WTH Productionz Team.