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Shocking revelation – Movie on Jesus Christ’s coffin
February 26, 2007
The Lost Tomb of Christ
The Lost Tomb of Christ
After the best selling Dan Brown novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, which raised several scandalous questions about the religion, here is yet another documentary of the same genre that is likely to shoot instantaneously into stardom. This one, as the producers James Cameron of Titanic fame and Simcha Jacobovici of Exodus fame say, will question the basic theory of Christianity called Resurrection.

The producers claim to have found the coffins of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary, and most importantly Mary Magdalene – who Dan Brown, in his novel claimed to have had a child with Jesus Christ. This falters the mere theory of Resurrection itself – Jesus’ coming back to life after death.
The coffins, according to James Cameron, were found from a cave said to be of 2,000 years old in the Jerusalem suburb of Talpiyot during construction of an industrial park before 27 years. The cave was discovered by a renowned Israeli archaeologist Amos Kloner.
If that was not outrageous enough, the producers even claim to have DNA proof to substantiate that the coffins belong to Jesus’ family.

The documentary throws light on the decades of research that was carried on the coffins. Interestingly, the documentary is believed to support Dan Brown’s claim that Jesus fathered Mary Magdalene’s child. The coffins – that the directors aver to have remains of Jesus and his family – will be revealed to the public on Monday.
The Lost Tomb of Christ
Named The Lost Tomb of Christ, the documentary will be premiered in New York, after which it will be telecast on various channels around the globe ranging from international Discovery Channel, Canada's Vision, Channel 4 in Britain, and Channel 8 in Israel.
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