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Dasavatharam’s first official press release – top secrets revealed
February 21, 2007
Are you tired of hearing lots of news, gossips and rumors on Dasavatharam? Don't worry, the fastest we are, Team Behindwoods brings you the first official press release on the movie, from the man himself, Kamal Haasan. We all know that Kamal is doing 10 roles and the director of the movie is K.S.Ravikumar. Story, Screenplay and Dialogues are also handled by Kamal. What we have is the latest and confirmed news on the movie. Read on.
One of the 10 characters in Dasavatharam lives in the 12th Century Cholamandalam ruled by the king Kulothunga Cholan. Rangaraja Nambi, the character Kamal plays is a great devotee of Lord “Govindaraja Perumal”. The shoots of this character was held at Chidambaram. The sets depicting the 12th century Cholamandalam was erected and thousands of people were dressed like belonging to that era. Horses and Elephants too were in the shoots and were taken best of care. Remember the animal activists are keeping their eyes wide open. The scene shot was that of Kulothunga Cholan throwing the deity of Perumal into sea and Rangaraja Nambi embracing the idol before the idol being thrown into the sea. The real life atheist Kamal acts as a God believer in this character.
We have Napolean doing the role of King Kulothunga Cholan. It is said that Kamal spotted Kudumi for this role.
The other character Kamal plays is that of a modern Scientist working in the US. Shoots of this character took place in the research centers in US, where getting permissions for movie shooting is not that easy. An artificial research center involving computers and other gadgets was built inside the real research center.

The scene is that of the research center getting destroyed in an accident. Art director Prabhakaran won accolades from the crew for his work on the artificial research center that gets destroyed in the shoots. Oscar Ravichandran, the producer of the movie has already spent crores for the movie and is ready to pump in more.

The crew also traveled to Malaysia to shoot few of the song and fight sequences. Readers would remember that one of our visitors Ramesh Rao had sent us the news on Kamal and others involved in Akido (a martial art) in Malaysia.
Kamal & Mallika Sherawat
Dance sequence involving Kamal Haasan and Malikka Sherawat along with twenty odd American models was shot in the plush night club in Malaysia. The Dasavatharam team also shot at Malaysian flight cargo. People gathered to see the shooting were disappointed that Kamal did not turn up for the shoots, but actually Kamal finished his work and walked away in front of them. Such was the make up, that Mosherum the make up man from America was full of pride in his face. Not to leave behind the hair stylist Anil.

The scenes involving eight characters are shot and the remaining two would be completed by the month of April. “Dasavatharam will create history in Tamil cinemas.
Hope it creates history in the collections too” said the producer Oscar Ravichandran. “It is like going to an institute and am learning new things every day in the shoots of Dasavatharam” said the cameraman Ravi Verman. “Dasavatharam has taken my cinema life to another level and in another direction” said the director K.S.Ravikumar.

We are all still eager to know the remaining eight characters. We have pictures of Kamal in an African tribal get up and there are talks that Kamal is doing a role of a young beautiful girl. Wonder there is anyone like the Ulaganayagan in this Ulagam (world). Behindwoods.com would keep you updated on any developments in Dasavatharam.
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