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By Vikram Sridhar

Location : Chennai

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1. The name rhino means a huge beast with a skin of armor.
2. A rhino's horn is made from the same material as hair.
3. The rhino's lip is like a finger which they use to pick up leaves and twigs

We all know that it ranks in the list of endangered species. But how many us know them really. This article is going to give an insight into the world of rhinos. Known for their slow nature they can turn into a warrior if provoked. Do you know that there are more than 5 to 6 types of these superb creatures spread through Africa and Asia? Though they may look similar on the outset these creature have diverse characteristics. Discussed below is each of the different type in brief with their characteristics and physical traits with some fabulous gallery.


Biological name : Diceros bicornis

During the last century, the Black Rhino has suffered the most drastic decline in total numbers of all rhino species. Between 1970 and 1992, the population of this species decreased 96%. In 1970, it was estimated that there were approximately 65,000 Black Rhinos in Africa but by 1992-93, there were only 2,300 surviving in the wild. However, since 1996, the intense anti-poaching efforts have had encouraging results. Numbers have been recovering and are now back up to about 3,610 and still increasing. Nevertheless, the poaching threat remains great and there is no cause for complacency.

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Weight and Height:

Males: Wt 996-1364 kg. Ht 140-160 cm

Females: Wt 896-1260 kg. Ht 135-155 cm


The black rhino can be found in a wide range of habitats, such as, semi desert thorn bush, montage forest, and wetlands. When picking a home range, rhinos will look for water, wallows and mineral licks. Rhinos have been known to eat over 200 types of plants, herbs and shrubs.The rhino can go up to 4 or 5 days without water. Rhinos have been known to travel 5 to 15 miles (8-25 km) daily to find water for drinking and wallowing in during the dry season

Horns :

Two horns which vary in size and shape based on many factors such as: sex, age, and location; front horn typically thinner than rear and usually longer; front horn: 20 to 32 in (50-80 cm); rear horn: 14 to 16 in (35-40 cm).


Dark gray


Females calve at 2.25 to 4 year intervals which depend on the season and several other factors. Females are capable of conceiving by the age of 4 or 5, which is before maturity of 7 years.