and Height:
Wt 996-1364 kg. Ht 140-160 cm
Females: Wt 896-1260 kg. Ht 135-155 cm
The black rhino can be found in a wide range
of habitats, such as, semi desert thorn bush,
montage forest, and wetlands. When picking a
home range, rhinos will look for water, wallows
and mineral licks. Rhinos have been known to
eat over 200 types of plants, herbs and shrubs.The
rhino can go up to 4 or 5 days without water.
Rhinos have been known to travel 5 to 15 miles
(8-25 km) daily to find water for drinking and
wallowing in during the dry season
horns which vary in size and shape based on
many factors such as: sex, age, and location;
front horn typically thinner than rear and usually
longer; front horn: 20 to 32 in (50-80 cm);
rear horn: 14 to 16 in (35-40 cm).
Dark gray
calve at 2.25 to 4 year intervals which depend
on the season and several other factors. Females
are capable of conceiving by the age of 4 or
5, which is before maturity of 7 years.