and Height
Wt 2040-2260 kg. Ht. 171-186 cm
Females: Wt 1600 kg. Ht. 165-178 cm
white rhino prefers a habitat which includes
grassland with water, trees, and mud wallows..
The white rhino's wide mouth and strong lips
enable it to graze broad areas of dense green
grass. It is able to go 2 to 4 days without
water year-round, but will drink twice a day
when near water.
Front horn is typically the largest (24
in [60 cm]); the rear horn is much shorter than
front horn and is a triangular shape. Females'
horns are generally longer than males'.
Slate gray to yellow-brown
The birth peak for white rhinos is during
the rainy season. Most females mature by the
age of 7 and males by 10 or 12 years. The gestation
period for the white rhino is 15 to 16 months.