--> By Jeya Suriya, Arvind Sundaram
In the ongoing paternity dispute case where an elderly couple Kathiresan and Meenakshi have claimed that Dhanush is their son, the stage had come where birth marks on the body of the actor had to be examined and corroborated with those claimed by the couple.
The court had appointed two doctors to examine the birth marks and they had come out with a report that says that the identification marks stated by the elderly couple are not on the actor’s body.
We quote below a few points from the report given by the doctors
I. With regard to first query, there is no mole over the left collar bone and there is no scar in left elbow.
2. With regard to second query, it is possible to remove a small superficial mole completely but a scar cannot be removed by plastic surgery and only scar reduction can be done.
3. With regard to third query, a very small superficial mole can be removed by laser technique without any trace. A removed large mole, traces can be seen by Dermascope but a scar cannot be removed by modern plastic surgery only a scar reduction can be done.
When we spoke to Madurai Medical College Dean about this case he was reluctant to reveal anything more about this issue, "I had already submitted my report to the court. Media have been twisting my reports and carrying their own versions of the issue. Some news is contradictory to my report".