The month of February was again full of splendid compositions and some very impressive songs as well. I have been tracking independent music even more closely since January and we have 7 tracks from independent singles (that are not part of any movie production) in the top 20. The score of even the 13th best song in this list is also above 7 and that says a lot about the quality of songs. The composer of the month is Nivas K Prasanna who has 4 excellent songs in the top 10. Sid Sriram once again ends up as the singer of the month and the both Ku Karthik and Uma Devi share the honours as lyricists of the month.
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Who doesn't remember the name Teejay Arunasalam who played the son of Dhanush in the movie Asuran. Now remember that this guy can sing too. I love the composition as it has a touch of Jazz with a wonderful piano playing and then an even better violin solo plays which also repeats itself during the song. The humming "thikithiki" is just way too catchy and Justin Prabhakaran needs to take a bow.
Rating: 6.9 / 10