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Vishal responds to his expulsion from Producer Council through an affidavit

Vishal’s interview in the month of August 2016 to a vernacular weekly had created a problem for him which led to his temporary expulsion from the Producer’s Council. A case is going on in this issue in Chennai High Court and Vishal’s side has filed an affidavit which expresses that he did not have any intention to hurt anyone.


The excerpt from his affidavit states, “The entire controversy arose out of my interview which was published in a Tamil weekly magazine in the issue dated August 17 regarding the functioning of the Producer Council. I state that I had only expressed my personal views, may be in a slightly strong manner but without any ulterior motive or intention to hurt anyone or create any controversy. In fact, in the same interview, I had clarified that I have nothing personal against any of the elected office bearers but still some of the individuals feel that I have made a personal attack. I state that in order to avoid further confrontation and in the interest of maintaining better relationship between various interlinked associations in the industry, I have filed the present affidavit. I convey my regrets to all concerned, if any of my statements in the above referred interview may have hurt anyone, because that was not my intention, and I undertake to abide by the rules and regulations governing the Association, as always. I request that my temporary suspension may be revoked and that my normal membership may be restored. It is humbly prayed that this Hon’ble Court may be pleased to record the above statement and pass suitable orders.”

Vishal responds to his expulsion from Producer Council through an affidavit

People looking for online information on Producer Council expulsion, Thanu, Vishal will find this news story useful.