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Vijay Kumar talks about his film Uriyadi being screened in Poland Public University

Uriyadi which was loved by all kind of audience last year gets another laurel on its wall of fame. The movie is screened at  'Instytut Politologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego' in Poland as a part of the lecture in the title 'Tamil cinema: Politics in the service of movies or movies in the service of politics'.

When we spoke to Vijay Kumar on this occasion, he talked to us happily, "The more local your film is, the more International it becomes. Pather Panchali is the face of our Indian Cinema to the World. Good Bye Lenin is the face of German Cinema to the world. All the movies told above have their plot based on their soil. And that's why they are considered for years.  Instytut Politologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego is a Public University in Poland and I'm considering this as an honour for a Tamil film. Also, I'd like to share the audience something which one of my friends told me this morning, 'Whole Europe going into Right Wing Ideology, it's a signal that Uriyadi is a right choice'. Now the whole Europe is marching towards with Right Wing Ideology and for that, they use the art form (cinema) as the beginning phase. I am happy and proud that Uriyadi is recognized Internationally."

Now, that is a proud moment indeed! Best wishes, Vijay Kumar!

Vijay Kumar talks about his film Uriyadi being screened in Poland Public University

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