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Vadivelu's younger version in Mersal found in Mersal promo

From the released teaser and photos of Mersal, we had earlier predicted that one of the (flashback portion) older Vijay's sons might get separated from the family very early with or without his knowledge. And the boy who gets separated could grow up to be the magician Vijay. The other Vijay who comes in the Mersal Arasan lyrics video could be the doctor Vijay who lives with Kovai Sarala and Vadivelu.

What many would have failed to notice in the recently released flashback 80's promo video, is this young boy (check display image to see) who looks to be an acquaintance of father Vijay. When Thalapathy is seen in a red shirt arguing with the goons, that young boy could be seen in the background and the next frame, when he is fighting the goons without the shirt, the boy is again seen in the background holding Vijay's red shirt. The same boy could also be seen in the 'Aalaporan' lyric video. All these tell us that the boy looks close to Vijay and if you could connect him to our above stated theory, this boy could be the younger version of Vadivelu with whom the doctor Vijay might grow up.

This theory is just our assumption, and we could be wrong, but we felt it exciting to share with you.


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Vijay's Mersal will have no trailer

While Vijay's Mersal teaser has already been creating many records on Youtube, the fans were asking if the film's trailer would release. That was also the question of many film buffs indeed.

However, when we contacted our close sources, they confirmed that there will be no trailer for Mersal, as the team feels that the teaser itself created the impact. With the two recent promos, it has added to the film's buzz much more, and they don't feel the need of a trailer. Though there won't be any trailer, it is also told that the makers might release another promo close to the film's release date, which we have to wait and see.

It is actually good to know this because this will give the audience more excitement while watching new things directly in the film.

Tags : Mersal, Vijay, Atlee

Vadivelu's younger version in Mersal found in Mersal promo

People looking for online information on Mersal, Vadivelu, Vijay will find this news story useful.