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Sofia Hayat's controversial statement against Salman Khan

Former Hindi Bigg Boss contestant Sofia Hayat's recent controversial statement against Salman Khan has gone viral. Sofia welcomed the court's decision and is happy with him being sentenced to five-year prison term.

Check out her Instagram post now - "Karma gets you in the end...Many people are afraid to talk against Salman because they think he controls Bollywood. Well, I no longer serve my ego and therefore am not afraid to speak up. I am so happy that Salman has gone to jail for what he has done. Animals are so important to this planet and doing what he did and then mocking it was a huge act of his own self importance. Lots of children look up to him, and he has a responsibility to the young people.What is he showing the world when he does things like this? What lessons is he giving them? That it is ok to break the law, to kill animals and then mock it because he is a celebrity? In any western country he would have been vilified for this and the drink driving deaths that he caused. He has then reinvented himself as a charitable man to try and compensate his karma. Today, India has shown that no matter who you are, if you break the law, you are no bigger than the law. I have heard so many young people in India speak about how they are afraid to go to the police about crimes committed by others because they watch the tv and see how people with money and status get away with it because they have paid off the police or the judge or the lawyers. This happened to me when Armaan Kohli paid off 2 of my lawyers so that I could not continue with the case, Dolly Bindra also told me that Armaans family are powerful enough to put drugs in my bag at the airport and I would be in Jail. I had to then drop the case as all the lawyers I hired were paid off. Today, Hindustan can stand strong and hold its head up high to the world and show them that justice is held up in India, and today, all the poor people have been shown a glimmer of hope in their own fight for justice against those who have manipulated the law. Today I can say Hindustaan Zindabaad!"

*Sofia's statement is not spell-checked


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Salman Khan will appear in a Jodhpur court for a hearing on May 7

As we have reported earlier, Salman Khan was accused of killing two blackbucks during his visit to a village near Jodhpur in 1998.

He was booked under Section 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. On April 5, he was convicted with a 5-year jail time. He spent two nights in the Jodhpur Central Jail before being granted bail on April 7.

The latest development, in this case, is that Salman Khan will appear in a Jodhpur court on Monday (May 7) for another hearing.

Sofia Hayat's controversial statement against Salman Khan

People looking for online information on Salman Khan, Sofia Hayat will find this news story useful.