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Singer Srinivas mistaken for sexual harassment

Singer Srinivas who is a popular singer down south faced a problem recently. It is said that a journal published an article, mistaking him with another singer of the same name, alleged of sexual harassment by a female radio jockey. Srinivas has mentioned his grief regarding this on his Facebook page.

"Years back when the legendary singer PB Sreenivas died some presswalas took my biodata and wrote an obituary column.. Now some singer Srinivas in Hyderabad gets arrested on a sexual harassment case, they publish my photograph .. This time I am going to sue them for damage caused to my reputation .. Can some legal experts here help me please ? I am really angry"

After this post, the journal has taken down the article from the website.

**Facebook posts are not spellchecked

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Singer Srinivas talks about Mersal

Singer Srinivas who watched Mersal recently took to his social media space to share his thoughts about the film:

"Finally saw Mersal.. With Sharanya who is obviously very excited to listen to her voice in Mersal arasan on the big screen. Share her happiness. Hope she gets to sing some nice songs in films and otherwise .. Nothing else quenches the thirst of a singer than singing songs. I understand. Now for Mersal, the movie.. It is a typical,in the face,masala movie where logic is thrown out of the window.. Most blockbusters are like that.

But Mersal asks some valid questions about the commercialization of the medical profession. About five star hospitals and unethical doctors. When one has corruption in all fields,it is unfair to single out just one profession. Though the medical profession is one which deals with life and death,maybe,we expect doctors to be saints and above normal humans. Like the doctor’s wife isn’t expected to have a passion for diamonds!! But the spouse of a successful film director/actor/music director/singer etc can yearn for diamonds/foreign holidays whatever.. Point to ponder.. The rich always have a justification,that they pay their taxes.. Whichever profession they belong to.. they can have their swanky cars and the many luxury houses plus its add ons.. Their conscience is clear when they have paid their taxes,or what their auditor decides to pay.. But can all of us(I am talking about myself too)have a clean conscience just because we pay our taxes??

In a country where poverty levels are unbelievably high,and the middle class suffers due to rising prices, the rich have a big role to play.. In at least having a social consciousness and uplifting society.. I have hope for this country from its youth.. Most of them are uncomplicated and don’t differentiate people on the basis of caste or colour. And very intolerant on corruption.. Hope the nation and the state finds a bunch of youngsters to lead"

*Srinivasan's statement is not spell-checked

Singer Srinivas mistaken for sexual harassment

People looking for online information on Srinivas will find this news story useful.