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Prathap Pothen recounts his first date with a girl

Veteran actor and director Prathap Pothen just shared a post reminiscing the first time he took a girl out on a date - and no guesses, it was to a movie. Here is the full post:


I was in college …..Madras christian college …the bestest …if there is word like that …..mcc holds the best of my memories I owe everything I am now to my college, but I am digressing ….my first date happened in mcc …..I had never dated a girl …It was not a girl after my mind but then…i had no mind ….…..well I don’t know if it was johnny’s bunk ….or wether my mind said 'its now or never’ …

I had planed this for days ..so I waited for her to come back from a class and I waited for her (not that she was beautiful or I was cary grant )…I just had to reassure myself that a girl would come out with me…..so I waited behind a tree and when she passed I yelled her name she was startled and seeing me she did a frightened girls routine …I asked her wether she would go out for a movie …she said yes ….. and that time was the most joyous moment for me I ran back to my hall and told my friends that I was going on a date….some were happy others were skeptical that I could do it ….well I counted my money …it was enough to go first class by train get the costliest tickets and come back to college again …first class all through the journey to the city to Safire theatre I was plotting my every move ….I’ll hold her hand first ….and then lets see …the movie was great …..by the time it was interval I didn’t even get to hold her hand …so after interval I said two hail mary's ….now is the time …my hands inched to her hands and my little finger touched her hand ….she went with the flow and held my hand and in my mind I said hallelujah ..(the name of the movie was Hallelujah Trail ). I was so happy squeezing her hand ….that I had a look of pride in my heart …..in my ecstasy I bought her popcorn and chocalates …I didn’t realise my money had run out but I had enough to get us to the station …..and at the station …..I did my first piece of acting …….ii said I don’t have change for a hundred and she thats not a problem and she gave a 10 buck note with that we got back to college …waking her back to her hostel I was getting desperate maybe I thought all good dates end with a kiss …..so when I left I puckered my lips ….she started giggling and gave me a peck and walked away it was at that moment my mind being elated I ran back to my hall ….and when I walked in my friends saw the smile on my face and asked me did you ..did you …I refused to answer …..and my smile said it all ….my first bit of acting"


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Prathap Pothen talks about Baahubali 2

Actor - Director Prathap Pothen who is one of the senior most directors in the industry, took his personal Facebook account to share his thoughts on the talk of the town, Baahubali 2.


The Vetri Vizha Director posted, "BAAHUBALI . ...has broken all records........it just goes to show that no one can and will say this area can fetch only this much money with this star....in Kerala in 5 day it had done 25 crores nett and is going from strength to strength....the first myth about having super stars can only ensure an opening and a collection of this magnitude lies broken and shattered....both south and the north of the vindhyas the people have spoken give us a good product and we'll fill up ur theaters....and now children ask for baahubali haircuts biscuits that give you energy this is the first pan-Indian movie ....a movie made in Telugu now popular all over India and stat too without superstars .....it just goes to show films are alive and kicking....yohoooo.....and pan-Indian movies are here to stay"


It's raining appreciations for Baahubali 2 and the team must be really happy seeing all these good comments from the film fraternity, media and from the common audience.


*Social media Post is not spell-checked