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Actor Vishal's recently released Irumbu Thirai has been reportedly been facing threats from many groups for its content that criticizes many aspects of digital India and the central government. And for that same reason, some countermeasures are being taken to protect the film and its audience.

A recent press release has revealed that Harikrishnan, of the 'Puratchi Thalapathy Vishal Welfare Association', has filed a petition to the Commissioner of Police, Chennai, seeking protection for the screenings of Irumbu Thirai as well as its audience. 

The Commissioner has also stated that he will take necessary action, the release added. 


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Mithran PS thanks his Irumbu Thirai team

Director Mithran PS has finally got his first film released and to his delight, the movie is getting some excellent response from all quarters.

Here is Mithran's recent FB post thanking his entire team:

"#IrumbuThirai has released Worldwide today after so many hurdles. I'm grateful to two persons #AntonyLRuben & #GeorgeCWilliams who has been my pillar of support during all difficult times, without #Vishal on board this project wouldn't have been materialized.

#YuvanShankarRaja playing music for my debut film is like a dream come true moment for me. Thank you so much for the support sir.

Thank you Dhilip master for your effort on stunt sequences.

Big thanks to #Arjun sir for accepting to be the #WhiteDevil & #Samantha we are so happy that you accepted this film.

My Sound Designer #Tapas sir, thank you whole heartedly for giving us the best. The team is so happy about the end product.

The biggest Strength of the movie my Writers #PonParthipan & #SavariMuthu #AntonyBakkiaraj, their dialogues are getting rave reviews from the audience.

Bharath, Inigo, Naresh Gowsik, Pradeep Deva Kumar, Vasanth Dheenadayalan, Jeeva Bharathi, Sudharshan & Gopi my direction team who co ordinated various departments and made me comfortable during the film shoot also during post production and Sathya, Prassana & Sagah thank you guys.

Thank you #Sudarshan photographer and #Sivakunar who made unique designs for Irumbuthirai.

Thank you #NeerajaKona you made #Samanthaa look flawless throughout the film with your costumes and also thank you #NJSathya for styling Vishal, #Jaya #Sher Costume designers for your commitment and hard work towards our film.

I take Facebook to thank each and every soul who have given their hard work for #IrumbuThirai !"

*FB post is not spell-checked

Petition filed to Commissioner seeking protection for Vishal's Irumbu Thirai

People looking for online information on Irumbu Thirai, Q, Vishal will find this news story useful.