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Nakkhul pays homage to his father on Twitter

Actress Devayani's father Jaydev Betarpet passed away yesterday morning. We express our condolences to Devayani and her brother Nakkhul.

Today, Nakkhul paid homage to his father on Twitter, "‏What we would give to see you just one more time Pappa. We all miss you terribly. Love you so much Pappa - Amma, Devayani, Rajkumar, Mayur, Sudha, Nakkhul, Sruti, Iniya, Priyanka, Aarav and Adluri’s"

*Tweet post is not spell-checked

Tags : Devayani, Nakul
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Home > Tamil Movies > Tamil Cinema News

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Devayani's father Jaydev passes away

Shocking news came in this morning as we mourn the passing of Mr. Jaydev Betarpet. He is the father of actress Devayani and actor Nakul. He passed away this morning, and his body is currently being kept at their home (101B Prince Villa Apartments, 15 Jagadambal Street, T. Nagar, Chennai-17).

The cremation will happen today from 1:30 pm to 2 pm at Nesapakkam Crematorium Ground. Our heartfelt condolences to Devayani and her family.

Tags : Devayani, Nakul

Nakkhul pays homage to his father on Twitter

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