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Kamal Haasan send a thank you note to fans and wellwishers

Kamal Haasan had fractured his leg and has been temporarily indisposed. While his fans and well wishers have been anxious about his health, Ulaganayagan has released an audio byte in Tamil assuaging the worries of his fans. A rough translation of the same below:

“Thanks a lot to all the fans, friends, well-wishers and members of the media who have been showcasing their love to me in all circumstances. What can I do other than to feel awed at the immense love and affection of all those who spring to action with many queries when I encounter a small accident or a mishap with an objective to protect me even before I stand to defend myself?


I have not penanced to be worthy of such a love. I only have my love, my craft, and the characters that I had portrayed to execute them, in return.  I am bound to communicate to you the good or bad things that happen to me.


Accidents and triumphs are not unusual in my path. I have learnt some lessons having crossed a few obstacles but this accident is a testimony to the fact that I had forgotten to learn my lessons while encountering a lot of barriers. While fans and work await me, this accident need not have happened.


But, good doctors, their assistants and my small family are helping me get back soon. For all those friends who are asking me 'how are you', 'when can we see you', 'what happened to my anna', 'my thambi', 'my dad', 'my thalaivar', and my fans who have become my relatives, the answer is I will get back hale and healthy soon. I got up, sat and wrote this letter. Very soon, I will get up, walk and thank you all. There are no words to thank love and affection”.

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Kamal Haasan send a thank you note to fans and wellwishers

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