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DoP Murali tells about working with Rajinikanth in Kabali

While the Kabali momentum is building up at an unimaginable pace, looks like the makers of the film have total faith about the final output. When we spoke to DoP Murali, he said “I feel that the movie has come out well. We hope everyone would love our final output”.

While speaking about Rajinikanth he said “Its a boon to work with him. The best thing about Rajinikanth sir is that he notices every small detail on the set. No one needs to guide him. Once he enters the set, the first thing he does is he notices all the details. He notices where the cameras are set, the positioning of each equipment and crew members. He remembers every other minute detail.


Nowadays we work with wireless monitors and other advanced technologies. But he has worked from a time when these advancements were not present and all those years experience speak for themselves.


For example on the set of Kabali, we had set 3 cameras to get a better idea about which output will work out well. But even without us telling about any of these, he adapted accordingly and gave a good result”


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DoP Murali tells about working with Rajinikanth in Kabali

People looking for online information on DoP Murali, Kabali, Rajinikanth will find this news story useful.