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Director Lingusamy on working with Ajith in Ji

In today’s edition of wishes for Ajith’s birthday from directors who had worked with him, we have the popular filmmaker/producer Lingusamy who shares some unknown and interesting information about the Mugavari hero. Lingusamy directed Ajith in Ji which was released in 2005.


Ajith surrenders completely to directors
Ji is my third film and I had completed Run then. Once Ajith gets committed to a film, he totally surrenders himself to the director. He does not question you about anything and stands before the camera as though he does not know anything. Whatever we say, he would follow. He would never come with a pre-conceived notion to the sets. While dubbing, unless I say it is perfect, he would go for innumerable number of retakes. He works aggressively.


Ajith does not ape any hero
As far as I know, he does not follow any hero; never apes anybody. He has an individual style. He listens to the director, imbibes the content and acts out in his own style, be it an emotional scene, or a happy one. It would never be an inspiration or a style of any actor. It will, in fact, be fresh and new.


Ajith believes ‘Time’
He is someone who believes in the concept of ‘time’. I would never understand that as I feel this man is working so hard but still believes ‘time’. He had also mentioned a particular year and stated that he would scale the peak during that year.


Ajith, the Tom Cruise of Tamil cinema
If there is someone who is as stylish and handsome like Tom Cruise, it has to be only Ajith in Tamil cinema. He is one of the notable heroes who have a gigantic mass screen presence after MGR or Rajini in Tamil.  He captivates people with his smile.


My next film with Ajith
One question that follows me whichever corner of the world I go is – When are you going to do a film with Ajith? I am also waiting for that. I don’t want to go without a proper script. The right kind of script is very important. I will definitely go to him when I firm up the right kind of story for him.


Memorable incident during Ji shooting
It does not pertain to the film but is out of it. We were shooting for Ji in Kumbakonam when we heard about the terrible school fire tragedy. Ajith was there the next minute, he heard about it. He never bothered about anything else, lent his helping hand to the rescue team. He was very upset about the accident.  


My wishes for his birthday and his success in the field!


Jyothsna Bhavanishankar

Tags : Ajith, Lingusamy, Ji

Director Lingusamy on working with Ajith in Ji

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