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Day 3 winners of Behindwoods Gold Medals contest

Behindwoods Gold Medals contest has been receiving great feedback from the audience for the third consecutive day, and here we present you the next five winners, who will be given 2 free tickets at Jazz cinemas for a movie of their choice.


நெல்சன் நடராஜன்
கடந்த மூன்று ஆண்டுகளாக உங்களது விருது வழங்கும் நிகழ்வினை பார்த்து வருகிறேன். ஆனால் இந்த வருடம் கடந்த இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளை விட மிக பிரமாண்டமாக இருந்தது சிறு பிசிறு கூட தட்டாமல் இருந்தது அதற்கு எனது வாழ்த்துக்கள் . அதன் பிறகு நான் வியந்து பார்த்தது சப் டைட்டில் விருது என்று  புதிய விருது அறிமுகப்படுத்தியது.அதன்பிறகு இந்த விருதிற்கு நான் வாக்களித்த பலருக்கும் விருது கிடைத்திருந்தது. அதை நினைக்கும் போது  ஒரு சாமானிய ரசிகனின் மனநிலையில் நீங்கள் நடுநிலையில் BEHINDWOODS  இருக்கிறது என்பதை  காட்டுகிறது. இந்த நடுநிலையோடு என்றும் வெற்றி நடை போட எனது வாழ்த்துக்கள்.மகிழ்ச்சி ...


Vinoth vinoth
Great! just now watched  a full show....Few things to be highlighted....
1.Recognising other language(nivinpauly award)
2.A pleasantful venue with a decent crowd.
3.Ramp walk a dare different attempt held with success.
4.NO song,no dance as you mentioned.
5.Respecting a makers and recongnising them...this is a truthful award show...only talentful person will get these medals....No hidden things....
6.Audience vote will dont let the audience to felt sad...
overall its such a fruitful event for a tamil industry...


Krishna VJ
Watched 3rd Edition of BGM yesterday.. Some moments which I loved - Vikram sharing his penniless party experience & also trying to sync up with Nivin's Malare, Veteran director sharing his satisfaction in watching BGM live, Witnessing yet another achiever from ARR's family receiving a medal from SN, KB sir's daughter explaining an unnoticed similarity between the Legends, Best Screenplay Medal to the entertaining sci-fi in recent times INN,  Balaji's ramp walk in Maari's attitude, Suba duo receiving Medals, Mohan Raja - a new-born Kollywood militant got inspired from premiere show of dextrous Shankar's Gentleman & also his witty sensible question "Why Sidarth is followed more than Mithran?" and a convincing answer that audience accepted and dint question him on Sidarth's death.. A well organized event honouring the  well deserved talents :)


Alagu Selvan
I Don't think u need any feedbacks... Ur way of giving awards to different categories ... Bringing those art forms into limelight by giving awards nd encouraging them is really good...This type of awards makes more passionate people to do there work rightly....They can work harder after this sort of
recognition... Most artists want their work to be recognised and ur award does that... I wish you should continue ur work in d comin


u.r. Karthick
Award Function now a days mainly telecasted for their glamour content ,but behindwoods considering that made a good award function ceremony where we could able to see it fully without any hesitations unless other functions, also giving awards to the one who really needs appreciation is important ,that's what an award should do......finally job done behindwoods.....congo for that valiant effort....cheers


Congrats to the third set of winners. Stay tuned to know if you are going to be one among them. Five winners will be announced every day. Seven more days to follow! 


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Day 3 winners of Behindwoods Gold Medals contest

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