Reviews |
by : Behindwoods review board |
: Vijay, Anushka.
Babu Sivan
Vijay Anthony
sparkling stunts, the fiery
punch lines, the signature lighter
moments and some foot tapping
numbers, everything that makes
a Vijay film worth your time
in theaters are there in his
latest offering Vettaikaran.
But then, every film of Ilaya
Thalapathi has all these things,
you might ask. Yes, but it is
the execution that makes each
one different from the other
and the question as you enter
theaters to watch this movie
is whether newcomer Babu Sivan
has managed to pull the formulaic
one man army theme out of the
rut that it has recently fallen
The storyline is very familiar
to anyone who follows Vijay
movies. A small town do-gooder
(Vijay) idolizes an honest super
cop of his town. The cop is
merciless against all evil forces,
an encounter specialist who
doesn’t believe in arrests
and judicial procedures; he
just guns down the perpetrators.
The small town do-gooder wants
to emulate this cop. But, the
only problem facing him is that
to become an IPS officer, one
must first pass out of school
and then get a graduate degree.
His failure at academics is
an irritant to his father, quite
understandably. Keeping his
eventual dream in mind, he somehow
gets over the hurdle and heads
to the big metropolis (Chennai)
to seek
his graduation and the IPS dream. Chennai,
expectedly, greets to him a) good college
education b)part time employment and c)a
heinous goon whose crime rate is like no
one that he has seen before. The rest is
all about the mission to eradicate evil.
How does he do it? Does he become an IPS
officer and bring them to law or does he
become a force on his own, hunting them
down like the title of the movie suggests?
Find out in theaters. And yes, there is
a love story in the midst of all this which
you are bound to notice because of the songs.
After hearing the synopsis one might be
excused for branding this another stereotype
fair. But, this one is better than that.
Yes, it is undeniably a full fledged commercial
flick with a lot of heroism and related
stuff, but there is also a certain level
of finesse in the execution. The first half
is a whole lot of fun. Vijay puts on a jolly
and youthful demeanor which has worked very
well. Along with Sathyan, they create many
an enjoyable moment. The scenes on the train
journey, where Vijay meets Anushka for the
first time, have really come out well. It
is the second half where the predictability
starts to set in. A few clichés later,
like the hero’s transformation in
the duration of a song, you almost know
where the film is heading. The script, which
remained alright for most parts, looks unduly
stretched during the final portions, the
end could definitely have been crisper.
The film, in spite of its flaws and stereotypes,
is bound to click with Vijay fans. The main
reason for that is the seemingly rejuvenated
Vijay on screen. He looks refreshed, energetic
and lends zing to the proceedings on screen.
His dance moves have not lost any of their
sheen, the opening number ‘Naan Adicha’
is a cracker that will surely be lapped
up by his fans. Junior Vijay’s act
towards the end of this number is very likeable.
The ‘karigalan’ song too looks
and sounds very good while ‘Puli Urumuthu’
is the typical one that catalyses the transformation
of the protagonist. Besides these, the other
songs don’t gel well into the narrative
which is a drawback. The highly anticipated
Vijay-Anushka chemistry does not provide
any spark on screen which disappoints. Surprisingly,
Anushka does not look as ravishing as usual
and she also does not get much footage in
the film other than songs. It is a bit of
downer for the actress after the Arundhathi
Other performances live up to the requirements
of the script. Sathyan, along with Vijay,
makes the first half work with his comic
acts. Saleem Ghouse is the typical bad man
while VMC Haneefa leaves a mark in his small
role. Sukumari shows her experience in the
portions given to her and Sayaji Shinde
is in full form as a cop loyal to the evil
Sivan must be commended on a good effort,
thought not without its flaws. He has
handled the dialogue department with care
and come out with good results. Action
is a regular Vijay style and will cater
to his fans.
is an out and out Vijay film, straight
to his fans who are bound to be happy
with the outcome, considering the last
two offerings which did not please many.
A fun first half and an action packed
but predictable and a bit jaded second
make a pretty reasonable final product
for all those who don’t mind commercial
mass masala without caring for things
such as reason or logic.
not a bull’s eye, not a big miss