by : Behindwoods review board |
: Omesh Kesar, Neela, Sangeetha, Venu Aravind,
Omesh Kesar
Viswa Malik
Solar Movies |
the makers wouldn’t want the film
to literally live up to its name! And,
in case you are wondering about this movie,
it made quite an unobtrusive entry into
theaters this weekend hardly making any
noise or publicity for anyone to realize
that such a movie is around. But, publicity
and extent of release are only peripheral
factors. Does Azhukkan have the right
ability to outgrow these limitations and
get noticed?
Azhukkan, which can be slotted into the
genre of drama, tells the story of a man
who leads a shabby/shady life (Omesh Kesar)
of crime and indiscipline. A slum dweller,
he and his gang have absolutely no humane
emotions, or so it seems, until a new
character enters or rather intrudes into
the life of Azhukkan. Is it a woman who
claims to love him? Or is it a godfather
like character who leads him along a path
of virtue? No, that is where Azhukkan
gets different from the run of the mill
stuff in Tamil cinema. One wishes that
such a statement could have been made.
But, all the |
novelty in the plot is lost because of a certain movie
named Yogi which was released a couple of months ago.
Anyone who has seen Yogi will now have no trouble
in guessing the character that changes Azhukkan’s
life forever.
Just because Yogi and Azhukkan are two different movies
made by different teams, the use of the word ‘identical’
might be harsh. But, for all practical reasons, they
are the same. Of course, that is expected when two
filmmakers draw inspiration from the same source,
which happens to be a film called Tsotsi. Two films
drawing inspiration from the same source is not new
to Tamil cinema. We have earlier had films like Vegam
and Nayagan (J.K.Ritesh’s), both of which were
based on the English flick Cellular. But, this tendency
is definitely unhealthy for the industry.
But, let us forget all that and try focusing only
on Azhukkan and its qualities. The plot might bear
novelty for those unfamiliar with Yogi. But, that
is as good as it gets for Azhukkan. The script meanders
pointlessly in most parts and is laden with quite
painful comedy handled by Robo Shankar. The dialogues
make little or no impact. The camera work strictly
meets the requirements of the movie, nothing more.
Music by Viswa Malik, even though only middling, is
one of the better aspects of the movie, considering
the standards set by the other departments. There
are very few other things in the movie that stick
to the mind, which kind of sums up things. The only
portion that might make one take interest is the climax.
If ever, there is a silver lining in this cloud, then
it is the climax. It does create bit of an impact,
making one feel for the protagonist. But, all that
comes a bit too late and is sadly inadequate in salvaging
the movie.
The most disappointing part of Azhukkan remains its
casting and performances. From top to bottom, the
cast looks extremely amateurish. Omesh Kesar, Neela,
Sangeetha, Venu Aravind and Jayashree form the main
cast and really disappoint with the show they have
put up. Be it the expressions or dialogue delivery,
everything looks undercooked. One cannot be sure about
the reasons for this. It might just be plain inexperience
in front of a camera (even though some of them are
small screen artistes) or poor handling by the director
(Omesh Kesar).
Overall, Azhukkan is a film that has come too late.
It has been preceded by Yogi, which in spite of being
a much more sensibly crafted product, could not make
a big impact at the box office. Azhukkan looks like
a shabbily stitched together effort which leaves the
viewer with nothing to savor. Sadly for its makers,
Azhukkan does literally live up to its title.
Amateurish outing