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Kreedom interests Shankar
By Behindwoods News Bureau.
July 23, 2007
After Sivaji it’s now Kreedom’s turn to bask in the limelight. Though Kreedom’s release was delayed due to some unforeseen problems, everything turned well with the movie receiving good reviews and appreciation all over.

Director Shankar, who has seen the movie two days ago, was praising Ajith’s performance in Kreedom to no end.

Shankar, back home from a holiday, is busy with two of his productions coming up. In spite of this busy schedule, the director took some time off with his family to see the movie at the Sathyam Theatre.

Shankar said that seeing the movie amongst Ajith’s fans was an exhilarating experience. The fans were also equally excited to see Shankar. The crowd nearly mobbed the director and threw a volley of questions at him. Many curious fans and onlookers wanted to know if Shankar and Ajith would work together in the near future. Not ruling out the possibility, the director said that if such an opportunity opens up he would surely consider it. On Vijay’s direction, Shankar said that he had a good future as a director.

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