Vidyut Jamwal has been making waves in the short period of his existence in the industry. He debuted in the Hindi remake of Kaakha Kaakha as the baddie and won himself a Filmfare award for Best Male Debut. Since then he has worked with two of South Cinema’s biggest heroes in Ajith for Billa 2 and Vijay for Thuppakki. While working with the two Tamil stars, Vidyut has watched them closely and picked up key characteristics from them. From Vijay, he says he has learnt the importance of silence and with Ajith the manner of treating women respectfully.
Despite playing the villain regularly, the young man has managed to send the female audience into a tizzy with his good looks and tough physique. Vidyut admits that he has been approached by Tamil film-makers to play the hero but the actor maintains that he will consider every offer that he receives and pick the one that suits him best at present.